
Spider Pest Control


Signs of Infestation

Spiders can be found in any home, especially if the residence is an uncontrolled environment.

It's not uncommon for spiders to come into a house when they are looking for food or shelter. Places such as basements and attics are great hiding spots that provide protection from predators outside due their high ceilings and low accessibility by humans- this makes them perfect places to set up shop! Spiders also have been known to show up inside homes accidentally through plants, firewood, clothing items among other things that were stored away in these areas.

In the U.S., there are two types of venomous spiders in common occurrence; these include the brown recluse and black widow varieties respectively distinguished by their unique markings or shapes associated with them such as either having no markings at all (recluse) or being identified by red marks beneath an hourglass shaped figure found underneath its jet-black abdomen (widow).

S.W.A.T. Pest Control offers Spider extermination services. Don’t let these pests disturb your home or business! Call us today to schedule a consultation and service.